“Be sober at all times,” writes the great biblical scholar Paul. What is this sobriety that he is talking about? It is connecting to your truth River. It is about being present, aware and at a level of consciousness that you can Create at your highest level.
Just imagine a river with enormous amounts of water carrying its contents knocking, as it makes it way to the eventual ocean. The contents are knocking because they are bumping into each other or the riverbed itself. And, if you listen to the noise of the river, its like a quarrel among its contents. You know why? They all don’t belong there, but they have found themselves in the same situation. This is the same with the stuff in your life. They are colliding with each other at times. As the rocks, pebbles, and debris bump into each other, the total noise depends on the volume of water. Less volume, the higher the decibels, and louder the noise.
So is your connection to the truth River (truth here means true self). When you are not fully connected to your truth river, there is a lot of background noise, and thus, a lot of distraction because your River volume is low. You are not fully connected, so you are not committed to the connection. The rocks and pebbles in your life are rolling along at very high decibels. The sounds are very audible to you at the human level, drowning out all else that is happening around you. This can manifest as the noises in your head. They can be audible to other folks on your Alphabet Circle™ and manifested in your demeanor. They can also be just other things that you carry along your life journey.
Just as the river ends in the ocean, where it gets rid of its contents, the same is true for the soul. When you connect to this river of truth and the volume is right, the contents will flow until the River’s end. Your River’s end is where you resolve your issues or matters on the Alphabet Circle—your life journey. You can get rid of these by looking within, and making a soul-to-soul bond that supports awareness, consciousness, and enlightenment.