Tips to Conquer Fear in the Covid-19 Season


Is fear crippling you?  Do you feel afraid of the news you are hearing about COVID-19? You are not aA book that informs you about fearlone. Fear is one of the most crippling emotions and can kill you if you don’t become aware.  While we are in the “Stay at home Order,” let’s take control of our minds and how we see fear and deal with it. We don’t have to be stapped with fear in the COVID-19 season.

What is Fear

You can’t have doubt in the moment. When fear steps into your life, you must now deal with it in such a way that you become the winner. Fear is False Expectations Appearing Real. I want you to remember that.

Why Do We Fear and How it Manifests

When things happen and you believe that you have lost control or you have lost hope, that’s when fear can come upon you. Your heart races. Your palms sweat, and your breaths are shallow. Everything in your body feels like it’s tightening and you probably feel like you going to die because fear is being manifested.

How to Conquer Fear

On the Alphabet Circle Journey, which is a best life practice, fear is one of the emotions we bring awareness to, so we can deal with it in such a way that it never wants to come back. You must have a new mindset to conquer fear. So when fear visits with you, I want you to  take long deep breaths and  then do the following;

  1. Acknowledge fear and speak to it, “Fear, I know you are here but today is the wrong day.”
  2. Next, tell fear, “You have no power over me.” Repeat this three times.
  3. Next, repeat three times,  “I am in control of my life.”
  4. Now empower yourself by saying, “I have the spirit of power and love inside me and you fear cannot shake that.” Do this three times.
  5. Next say to fear, “I choose not to be afraid as I am Love. I embody Love.”
  6. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Do this exercise as many times as you need to, or until you feel safe. For additional information and things you can do please get a copy of  my book at Amazon

Please leave me a comment to let me know how this worked for you and let me know where you are on your fear journey.

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