Are you experiencing, FEAR— False Expectation Appearing Real? Fear is a powerful emotion and can have a devastating effect upon its victim. I want to tell you that there is a place in your life that we will call the Fear Zone. When you enter this zone, it does not matter why, you will experience fear. In that moment you seem not to be able to focus on anything other than the False Expectation Appearing Real. Physically, for some, your palms sweat, your heart races and for others you tremble. My encouragement today is for you to stay away from that zone.
Sometimes we go to the Fear Zone because we create expected results. Note what I am saying to you. We create the results we expect and think what it will be for a particular situation, and because we do not anticipate those results to be good, we tremble with fear. Other times we visit this zone because of fear of the unknown. We do not know what to expect and we are in fear. The fear of dying would be an example. On our Best Life journey, we must be aware of the Fear Zone.
If not dealt with, fear can be a crippling emotion. For the person experiencing this fear, it seems real. For those of you who have a FEAR experience, you know exactly what I mean by this. Regardless of what I am telling you here, in the experience of fear, it can be different if not managed.
How then do you deal with this? If possible, stay away from the Fear Zone by assuring yourself that there is not anything to be afraid of. But for those who enter, tell yourself and believe that the experience will come to you and you will ride it out. Know that you will consciously walk through the experience as it unfolds—be open and embrace it. Live your Best Life, Your Chosen Life.
Leave me a comment to let me know how you’ve dealt with FEAR.
I love the F-E-A-R acronym. What a different way to think of fear and its devastating effects if left unbridled!!! Thank you for this message.