Life as a coffee pot- How is your brew? What kind of coffee pot are you? Do you brew your coffee very quickly? Do you brew to various strengths? Your life is like a coffee pot and your interactions are the coffee within the pot. The question is, how are you utilized? Are you used every day for brewing coffee? Do you get refilled once your content depletes? This is the same for your life.
Month: January 2015
Past, Present, Future
Past present and future are three words that drive our daily conversation, but do they really exist? Let’s visit them. The Past! Oh how we spend so much time re-living the past when it does not exist anymore. We must rewire our thinking so that our lives can be full. The past used to be. It is no more. We no longer have it. That space is now a former space and is gone. Yet we spend a good portion of our lives trying to hold on to this concept. Unfortunately, while we are doing this we are not present in the now moment.
Do Not Enter is a command. As we move around in our communities on a daily basis we see many of these signs. When we see a “Do Not Enter” sign, we all know what it means. We should not go past it for a reason which may be unknown to us at the moment. The area could be restricted or it could be the opposite direction of a one way street. It could be private property. It could be that someone placed it there to take off track. Regardless of the reason, we know not to go past such a sign. How many times have you been confronted with the mental Do Not Enter sign?
Windshield or Rear View Life

Do you have a windshield or a rear view life perspective? Exactly how would you describe your perspective? Well, have you ever paid attention to a car’s windshield and its rear view mirror? Notice the size of the windshield versus that of the rear view mirror. By now you have thought about it. The windshield is huge compared to the rearview mirror. Now, can you look at your life in terms of a windshield and a rear view mirror?