Can you commit to being happy

Can you commit to being happy in your life’s journey, regardless of your experience? Happiness is a state of mind and a phase on the alphabet circle. You are the creator of your happiness. Therefore, you must create a happy environment to succeed at this. I bet you can. Each day, when you wake up, … Read more

You are True Success


You are a successHave you ever been told you are not a success?  Let me assure you that no one is able to determine that. Success for each person is different and true success is not  a measure of material things. How can anybody make a decision on your success when they are not qualified to do so? How did they   come to such a conclusion?  I offer to you to reject anyone who offers the “you’re not a success” conclusion to you.

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Failure not opposite Success

Failure is not the opposite of success for humans. However, failure is an overused word that you should remove from your vocabulary.  How can you be considered a failure? How can any human being be declared a failure? I have good news- no one is a failure. The classical meaning of failure is the state … Read more

You are a creator

 Are you aware that you are a creator?  Indeed you are the creator on your Alphabet Circle©. Now that you know it, strive to be the best creator you can. Create, create, and create! Creation starts in your mind. You can create the life you desire. Know that your desires are in alignment with your … Read more