End the Second-Guess Game & Bask in Your Best Life

How would you like not to second-guess yourself anymore? How would you like to end the Second-Guess game? What if I were to tell you that you can go through life and never second-guess yourself again? Yes, it is possible. You see, life, as it happens is quite orderly, but sometimes our response to life … Read more

Doubt Can Destroy Self

Doubt can destroy self. It is  a very powerful word and you should be aware of that. The action of doubt can lead you into dark places. It  can also lead you to do nothing because you do not have the courage to override the thought of it. When you doubt, you are unsure. However, … Read more



Do Not Enter is a command. As  we move around in our communities on a daily basis we see many of these signs.  When we see a “Do Not Enter” sign, we all know what it means. We should not go past it for a reason which may be unknown to us at the moment. The area could be restricted or it could be the opposite direction of a one way street. It could be private property. It could be that someone placed it there to take off track. Regardless of the reason, we know not to go past such a sign. How many times have you been confronted with the mental Do Not Enter sign?

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