You Hold the Keys to Your Success

What we Seek You hold the keys to your success. We all seek after that successful life and yes, some of us are looking in the right places for it. Sometimes, we seek after that “dream” job because we believe it will give us success. Other times, we seek after that house, car, or even … Read more

Your Life is a Magnet

Your life is a magnet. Yes, it is. You may not have thought of your life in this way, but it attracts and repels. Yes, this is what a magnet does. We learn in physics that magnetism is; “a physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge, resulting in attractive and repulsive forces between … Read more

You hold the key to your success

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You hold the key to your success. We all seek after that successful life and  some of us are looking in the wrong places for it. Sometimes, we seek after that “dream” job because we believe it will give us success. Other times, we seek after that house, car or even a partner because we have convinced ourselves that it will bring us the success we seek. How about money? Too many of us believe that, if we had more money we would have that successful life. There isn’t anything wrong with seeking or having any of these items. What is wrong is believing that by seeking and acquiring them they will make you successful.

Do you know the real hold back to that successful life

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You are True Success


You are a successHave you ever been told you are not a success?  Let me assure you that no one is able to determine that. Success for each person is different and true success is not  a measure of material things. How can anybody make a decision on your success when they are not qualified to do so? How did they   come to such a conclusion?  I offer to you to reject anyone who offers the “you’re not a success” conclusion to you.

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