How would you like not to second-guess yourself anymore? How would you like to end the Second-Guess game? What if I were to tell you that you can go through life and never second-guess yourself again? Yes, it is possible. You see, life, as it happens is quite orderly, but sometimes our response to life can be quite disorderly.
Just as there are laws and rules that govern the universe so are our lives governed by laws and rules. For example, if you decided you were going to fly off the top of a skyscraper, you would probably fall to your death as the law of gravity would not allow you to fly. Why? It is not possible for man to fly because there are no laws or rules in the universe to support that act. The question then becomes, what are the laws or rules that support your best life?
Living your best life is having the knowledge and belief that there is such a thing. Knowing that there is a space within which you can operate at your best (maximum potential) and minimize negative effects within your sphere. You must believe that this is possible because you cannot enter into this space with doubt in your mind, as doubt, interferes with your ability to live your best life.
Us humans were born with a brain, which is our powerhouse of thoughts. So too, each human was given a soul. Our souls communicate and transmit information to our brains. We need this information to operate within the “maximum potential” space. The transmission of information happens continuously. You ask the question, how is this possible? See, there are two levels of connection, one at the human and the other at the soul. When you are connected at the soul level, you are in alignment because the communication takes place without any interference. There is no second-guessing here as the information is clear. You must now interpret this information and use it to live your best life. Each person’s interpretation will be different. You will understand the information within the context of your life. Be aware of what you are receiving.
For us to live our best lives, we must enter this space with an open mind. We must be present, aware, and not be in doubt in this space because it is difficult to receive the transmitted information without being present, and if, in doubt. Be still and listen to what you hear in your space of maximum potential so you can pay attention to what, and how you feel. You will always have peace within this space. Doubt blocks or interferes with the transmission of information, so play no more Second-Guess game. Live in confidence.
Do you believe you can do this? If yes, let me know how. If no, let me know why.