Today marks another Thanksgiving day— a celebration of gratitude. What are you thankful for today?
Another year, another day, friends, family and even your enemies as they keep you on your toes. That being said, gratitude is an awesome word. No matter what circumstance we find ourselves in, having a place in our souls or our hearts for gratitude gives us the opportunity to go on. Its give us not only the wisdom but the energy to put one foot in front of the other and take the first step and the second and then the third.
Gratitude is what gets us through dark days, and yes, we do have them. However, when you can put the thought of your situation aside, then you can think about being grateful. It opens up a world of opportunities for blessings and miracles for you.
Have you ever been in that situation, or know someone who’s been there? Pining away, wallowing in self pity because something dramatic has happened in his or her life? This may have gone on for years, or weeks, or days. Suddenly the thought of gratitude filters through to the mind and leads a transformation so huge that you have to ask the question of “what changed?” To your delight, you get an answer that he or she cannot continue the old way because it occurred to him/her that there is still so much to give thanks for and that is what will happen.
See, gratitude brings clarity, and as of today, I want you to find gratitude in every situation. If you are alive to talk about it, then you must be grateful. Be grateful for the small things and the big things will eventually happen. Gratitude is one of the ingredients to your miracles. Yes, it is. Be grateful on this Thanksgiving Day and continue to be grateful for the rest of your life.
Leave me a comment and let me know how you plan to go forward being grateful.