Can we truly manage time?

Can we truly manage time?  Time is the present so the question begs, is it false thinking to say we can mange Time?  Let me ask the question another way. Can we manage the Present? I would like you to ponder  this. If we show up in the experience of “time” and are open to … Read more

Book Trailer_ The Alphabet Circle Journey

According to author and scientist Maxine Wright-Walters, Ph.D., most relationships will eventually come to an end. In her new book, “The Alphabet Circle Journey: Living Your Best Life” (published by Balboa Press), Wright-Walters draws a parallel between the laws of chemistry and human relationships to offer her theory on how and why relationships form and … Read more

Happy Thanksgiving — A Celebration of Gratitude

Today marks another Thanksgiving day— a celebration of gratitude.  What are you thankful for today? Another year, another day, friends, family and even your enemies as they keep you on your toes. That being said, gratitude is an awesome word.  No matter what circumstance we find ourselves in, having a place in our souls or … Read more

End the Second-Guess Game & Bask in Your Best Life

How would you like not to second-guess yourself anymore? How would you like to end the Second-Guess game? What if I were to tell you that you can go through life and never second-guess yourself again? Yes, it is possible. You see, life, as it happens is quite orderly, but sometimes our response to life … Read more

Connecting to your truth River

“Be sober at all times,” writes the great biblical scholar Paul. What is this sobriety that he is talking about? It is connecting to your truth River. It is about being present, aware and at a level of consciousness  that you can Create at your highest level. Just imagine a river with enormous amounts of … Read more

Listen to your Soul

Listen to your soul. It is probably one of the most valuable things given to you. But,  you must learn how to work with what it tells you.  You ask, what is your soul. The soul I am referring to is that small voice you hear inside. The one that you refer to as “my … Read more

You hold the key to your success

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You hold the key to your success. We all seek after that successful life and  some of us are looking in the wrong places for it. Sometimes, we seek after that “dream” job because we believe it will give us success. Other times, we seek after that house, car or even a partner because we have convinced ourselves that it will bring us the success we seek. How about money? Too many of us believe that, if we had more money we would have that successful life. There isn’t anything wrong with seeking or having any of these items. What is wrong is believing that by seeking and acquiring them they will make you successful.

Do you know the real hold back to that successful life

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