Reflection takes place at all times, but particularly at the start of every new year and it’s a very good thing to do. It brings a lot of things in perspective for you. But reflection without a plan is fruitless, so let’s go on this journey together. Let’s perform our Reflection Engagement task, so our 2018 can be our best year yet.
Find yourself in a quiet place and take several deep breaths until you feel a calm inside of you. Take as much time as you need for each reflection item. There is no rush. This is all about you. First, lets reflect on the things that we are happy with. Next, let’s reflect on the things in our lives that we are not happy with. Then let’s focus on the things we want to change. Now, focus on the things in our lives we can accept with no change at this time.
What do we do with all this is your next thought? And it makes sense. Write down all your thoughts and be honest with yourself. There is no punishment or shame in the answers you have come up with, so just write them all down. Below I have provided you with a table in which to work. Click on the Reflection Engagement Form Link below.
Start with the first column labelled “my thoughts” and look within and spend some time thinking about it. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. When your thoughts are clear, start writing them down. List the things you are happy with in your life and next the things that you are not happy with. Then list the things you want to change about your life and then the things you can accept in your life as is today. Now, its time to work on the “what am I going to do about it ” column. For the things you are not happy with list what you are going to do about those things and exactly how you will go about it. For this task things can also be situations.
I encourage you to write down every thought that comes to you. It may not make sense initially, but it will later when it all comes together.
Reflection Engagement Form
Leave me a message and let me know about some of your Reflections.