Windshield or Rear View Life

Windshield or Rear View
Windshield or Rear View Life

Do you have a windshield or a rear view life perspective? Exactly how would you describe your perspective? Well, have you ever paid attention to a car’s windshield and  its rear view mirror? Notice the size of the windshield versus that of the rear view mirror. By now you have thought about it. The windshield is huge compared to the rearview mirror. Now, can you look at your life in terms of a windshield and  a rear view mirror?

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Life: Un-clutter Yours

Is this your Life Closet
Is this your Life?

 Is this your closet of life? Is it cluttered with all kinds of stuff? Is it cluttered with all kinds of things that no longer serve you? These coats, hats, bags, scarfs, gloves and shoes represent relationships or interactions that no longer serve you.

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Love is Power for the Best Life Course

How do you walk on your Alphabet Circle© and really be the captain of your ship called “Best Life?” One way is to love. Love gives you  power for the course. Love as a choice is POWER! This power cannot be taken away because Love cannot be taken away. Typically, our external manifestations of power … Read more

Pay Attention to the Details








Pay attention to the Details all along the path of life. The details are an important piece to your journey. Why is this so important? The “devil is in the details.” The universe is reporting all around you. Giving you all the news you need to live that desired life. The universe is your CNN or your ABC or your NBC and it provides 24hours, 7 days per week coverage.

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