Is Your Happiness Committed or Situational


Are you experiencing situational or committed happiness? Pause for a moment and think about it. You may be thinking someone or thing can make you happy. And this is a reasonable assumption based on the culture we live in. But, no one can make you happy, only you. Committed happiness is the one you create  within. On the other hand others can bring you situational happiness. What does this mean? It means that people can do things for you that brings you happiness, but as soon as they stop doing it you are no longer happy.  Indeed, that happiness was temporary and dependent.  This is not the happiness you are seeking to live your best life.

You ask, “how do I really create this happiness?” It is a decision you make every day you wake up and must continuously remind yourself throughout your day. Make the decision that, you are going to be happy no matter what happens. This is called the happiness decision. Once it is created within you, and you act, it spills over into your environment. It is very infectious and becomes visible. People will notice that you are happy.

Once you make this decision, you may find yourself going off track. Going off track for a minute is alright as long as you don’t stay there. Eventually, with practice you will be aware of the “decision killer” or situation and continue with your choice of happiness. Let the positive energy within you rise and remind you that you are choosing to be happy. With practice, your human self will align with the spirit and you will be able to make that commitment to be happy and it is accomplished. It is like training your muscle to run a race. The more you practice, the better you get at it.


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