Connecting to your truth River

“Be sober at all times,” writes the great biblical scholar Paul. What is this sobriety that he is talking about? It is connecting to your truth River. It is about being present, aware and at a level of consciousness  that you can Create at your highest level. Just imagine a river with enormous amounts of … Read more

Road Closed to Best Life

Road Closed—Is  this sign hanging on your  personal life?  Is your demeanor saying “road closed?” Sometimes we close the road to living our best lives without even knowing it. When this happens it prevents you from living your best life which is  your right. At times we think in our minds that we have done … Read more

Listen to your Soul

Listen to your soul. It is probably one of the most valuable things given to you. But,  you must learn how to work with what it tells you.  You ask, what is your soul. The soul I am referring to is that small voice you hear inside. The one that you refer to as “my … Read more

False Expectation Appearing Real

Are you experiencing, FEAR— False Expectation Appearing Real?  Fear is a powerful emotion and can have a devastating effect upon its victim. I want to tell you that there is a place in your life that we will call the Fear Zone. When you enter this zone, it does not matter why, you will experience … Read more