The words you speak can add life

You have word power because the words you speak can add life. Yes, the power of words  is in your possession. Words create vibrations. Speak positive words, so that they create positive vibrations.  These vibrations change the atmosphere around you by carving the  look and feel of your words. Can you image a life where you use the power of your own words to create?

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Heaven Stoppers — Storm Creators

Heaven stoppers—Who are they?  They are those who  hinder you from living Your Best Life.  Those who constantly attract   confusion and misery, as only in this environment they feel satisfied. Most noteworthy, Heaven stoppers clamor negativity.

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Failure not opposite Success

Failure is not the opposite of success for humans. However, failure is an overused word that you should remove from your vocabulary.  How can you be considered a failure? How can any human being be declared a failure? I have good news- no one is a failure. The classical meaning of failure is the state … Read more