False Expectation Appearing Real

Are you experiencing, FEAR— False Expectation Appearing Real?  Fear is a powerful emotion and can have a devastating effect upon its victim. I want to tell you that there is a place in your life that we will call the Fear Zone. When you enter this zone, it does not matter why, you will experience … Read more

Doubt Can Destroy Self

Doubt can destroy self. It is  a very powerful word and you should be aware of that. The action of doubt can lead you into dark places. It  can also lead you to do nothing because you do not have the courage to override the thought of it. When you doubt, you are unsure. However, … Read more

Are there cobwebs in your life?

Are there cobwebs in your life? Cobwebs are unwanted and uninvited things in your life.  You must eliminate them in order to enjoy your Best Life .  They are old spiderwebs and are usually found in areas not disturbed or occupied for a while. It’s getting to be the end of summer again, and time … Read more

Relationships are finite

Relationships are finite. Yes, they are interactions with a life span, so enjoy them.  However, no one knows their duration, so I want you embrace every interaction.  Show up and be present.  The finiteness of it allows you to focus on the now, and bask in it.  Feel your energy levels soar and happiness just … Read more

Living your Best Life is a Quest

Living your best life is about a quest. You are always on this quest because you must  remain in that space of Best Life.”  With that said, you must be deliberate. Be on your quest to find happiness in all your relationships because this will give you peace. This is a work in progress concept … Read more


How do we respond to events or things in our lives, especially when we feel like we have no control over the situation? For some of us we do so explosively and for others with calm. When we have an encounter with someone else we have an interaction, which results in  an experience. How we … Read more